hidrat hoa la gi

Water is essential to tướng our biological makeup as our bodies are composed of 60-70% water. By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her toàn thân has lost over one percent of its total water amount. Without water, a human would perish in around seven days! Fluid for thought, sánh to tướng speak.

The earth’s human population is currently around 7.5 billion. Out of the combined water on this planet – which can fill 800 trillion Olympic swimming pools – only less than thở 1% is fresh and potable! Curiously, all the water on Earth originally arrived in comets and asteroids during a period called the Late Heavy Bombardment, between 4.5 billion to tướng 3.8 billion years ago. Fortunately the Earth is a closed system, akin to tướng a terrarium, meaning that despite the pressures of Global Warming, it rarely loses or gains extra matter. The same water that existed on earth millions of years ago is still present in one size or another today. Who knows, the water that was once consumed by a dinosaur could be in your cup today.

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This does not mean we can throw water conservation out the window. Ponder for a moment:

  • a five minute shower uses 200 litres of water, the same amount needed to tướng grow, process and produce the coffee beans to tướng brew one cup of coffee;
  • 10,000 litres are required to tướng water cốt tông shrubs to tướng produce a kilo of cốt tông, in order to tướng make a pair of jeans;
  • an incredible 15,000 litres of water are needed to tướng nurture a cow, just to tướng produce one kilogram of beef!

While there is an abundance of water in the oceans, very little is actually available to tướng us for consumption, hence the need to tướng use our supplies wisely.

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Water is a primary source of energy for the human toàn thân sánh a good rule of thumb for daily consumption would be three litres for men and two litres for women. However, remember that water can come from both beverages and food, and stay away from caffeine which dehydrates the system.

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Healthwise, drinking a sufficient amount of water is beneficial in numerous ways. It may help with banishing headaches, relieving fatigue, improving our mood, losing weight, boosting energy levels, flushing toxins, improving the immune system, lubricating our joints to tướng reduce pain, preventing hangovers and more.

Here are some curious water-related facts:

  • The temperature of served water can modulate tastebuds. For example, drinking iced water before a dessert increases your sweet tooth, as it decreases your perception of how sweet the dessert actually is!
  • Dehydration actually diminishes our capacity for intelligent thought, as brain tissue shrinks and the brain has to tướng work harder to tướng perform at the same level.
  • Studies have shown that people who are lonely or who seek connectedness spend more time under warm water, substituting physical warmth with emotional warmth. The science behind this is that warm water cues the release of oxytocin, a hooc môn usually released when we experience closeness to tướng others and that also causes a rise in toàn thân temperature.

Simply put, water is the substance of life and life cannot exist without water!