openwrt la gi

The router is the most important piece to tướng surf the Internet. It is the device to tướng which we connect many other devices and the truth is that on many occasions we vì thế not get everything it has to tướng offer. In this article we are going to tướng talk about OpenWrt , we are going to tướng explain what it is and how it helps to tướng get the most out of even an old router that we have unused at home page.

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What is OpenWrt?

First of all we are going to tướng explain what OpenWrt is . It is a project based on không tính phí software, on Linux, with a GPL license. In this way, each manufacturer that improves or modifies the code has to tướng release it and make it available to tướng anyone, which helps make it more interesting.

It is used to tướng modify the firmware of a router . It is based on the command line interface, but it also has a trang web interface. It is an alternative option to tướng the one that comes with the usual home page routers and we can obtain different improvements and make modifications that may come in handy.

It is a distribution in constant improvement , although it is true that it has limitations. For example the number of packages available. However, it is very useful for old routers, since it is designed to tướng take up as little space as possible and that we can install it in small storage spaces of even 2 MB. Also, it works on CPUs from 300 MHz.

Now, the fact of being able to tướng take advantage of the OpenWrt firmware more or less will depend on our device. The more powerful it is, the more applications we can install. We can make even our Wi-Fi work better by using more of the available resources and improving the firmware that comes out of the box.

What use can you give it?

After explaining what exactly OpenWrt is and getting a general idea of how it works, let’s take a look at some of its utilities . In this way we can make the most of our router and make it work better and even install it on a device that we have not used. If, for example, you have an old ADSL router that you no longer use because it has fiber optics, it can be a very interesting option.

move tasks

One of the uses that you can give to tướng OpenWrt is to tướng be able to tướng transfer certain tasks that you carry out on your computer, to tướng the router. Instead of having the PC on to tướng perform some tasks such as downloading or uploading files to tướng the cloud, we can take advantage of the router and vì thế the same without having two devices on at the same time.

In addition, the electricity consumption will be lower. After all, it is a device that consumes less. Think of traveling the same distance with a truck or a motorcycle. Which one consumes less? The same in the case of using the router compared to tướng the consumption of a computer.

Create a server

You can also turn the router into a server . This way you can access wirelessly or by cable. You can connect a hard drive and store information and have it as if it were a NAS, something that is very interesting nowadays to tướng always have everything available. A way to tướng save money and not have to tướng buy an additional device.

For example, you can save truyền thông files and play videos from TV or computer. You can vì thế this on your old router and give it a second life instead of having it stored unused or even getting rid of it.

Bittorrent client

Another utility that OpenWrt allows on the router is to tướng be able to tướng turn it into a Bittorrent client. In this way, instead of downloading files to tướng the computer, you can vì thế it directly from the router . You will have to tướng configure it and allow downloads directly to tướng the hard drive you connect.

You can vì thế the same thing by turning it into a trang web server. There you can host nội dung, for example images or videos that you want to tướng store, and be able to tướng access it from anywhere. It is an alternative to tướng having to tướng use a third-party service, which is often paid or very limited.

print server

Do you have printers connected to tướng the network? One more alternative that the OpenWrt firmware allows is to tướng turn your router into a print server. In this way, you can ensure that all your printers are correctly connected to tướng the network in one place. There are official manuals that explain step by step how you can achieve it.

The purpose of this is to tướng be able to tướng print from other devices. You would simply have to tướng access the print server and send the documents you want to tướng have printed there. It is something very useful for your printers.

VPN server

You can also turn your router into a VPN server. This way you can connect securely to tướng the local network from anywhere. For example, if you are connected from your mobile to tướng a public Wi-Fi network and you want to tướng prevent them from spying and collecting the information you send if that network is not secure.

The use of VPN is very common and there are many applications for both computer and mobile. However, we can also configure a VPN server on the router itself and OpenWrt plays an interesting role there. It is one more alternative that you can take into trương mục for your old router and give it a second use.

Check if the router is compatible

We have seen that the OpenWrt firmware is an alternative to tướng the one that comes with your router from the factory. You can use it even in old ADSL models . In this way you will be able to tướng achieve certain utilities, as we have explained, and give an old device a second life or squeeze more of the one you currently have.

However, you should keep in mind that you cannot install it on all. In fact, you will have to tướng kiểm tra if the router is compatible or not. However, there are a large number of models that vì thế accept installation. For example we can see many from ASUS, AVM, Comtrend, D-Link, devolo, Netgear, Xiaomi MI or Linksys, to tướng name a few of the most popular brands.

As we have seen, it does not matter if your router is old. Even if it is ADSL, you may have compatibility to tướng install OpenWrt. You just have to tướng make sure that that specific model is compatible and install the firmware to tướng take advantage of all the resources it has.

You can see the complete list of all routers compatible with OpenWrt . There you will find all the brands and each of the models in which you can install it. As you will see, there are about 2,000 models for which you can install it. A more than thở significant figure and that shows us that we can take advantage of the old router quite probably.

However, not all models are compatible with all versions. That will depend on the capacity of each one. It is important to tướng take into trương mục what the minimum specifications are and thus install the version that suits you. However, we always recommend having the most recent one possible, to tướng make the most of the resources and also avoid certain security problems.

In short, installing the OpenWrt firmware is a very interesting option to tướng make the most of the router and even use an old device that we have at home page without us using it. You will have multiple possibilities, such as the ones we have mentioned to tướng create a server, use a Bittorrent client or a print server.